Potting plants
Today I brought Aloe Vera plants and some tropicals from Susan’s greenhouse. I had some small pots with trays so they could be watered. The residents put the roots in the pots and then filled them with dirt. They needed some encouragement but it was slowly done. After we had twenty new plants. Some went to the residents rooms and some went to staff. The plants really brightened the place.
Gosh this was a fun activity!
We pretended to be dirt and then a seed and then a sprout and then a tree, which had leaves which fell back to the ground and made dirt! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vElZryXfVY#action=share New sprouts
Today at the green classroom. We noticed our newly planted seeds are starting to come up. They are so cute. We planted lettuce, radish, carrots, beets and peas. We have been busy weeding and watering. Little bit rainy
Today in the green classroom, we went for a nature walk to look at leaves. We saw different varieties of oak, a cypress tree and many pecan trees. We found lichen, seeds from a redbud tree, and buckeye. We found many galls on the back of oak leaves. We put all our finds in a box to make leaf rubbings next week. In the next class we talked about how a leaf is a factory in which the sunlight is turned into food for the tree and oxygen for all of us to breath and then we took a deep breath of the fresh air from the trees. |