![]() I love this bee I found at the edge of the field where they are working on new construction at 45th and Bull creek. It's such a joy to see life even in such adversity. I struggle with talking about how this makes me feel, as do most everyone. Things about this that make me angry? A field stripped of its top soil, trees and vegetation; thereby eliminating any (bird, fish, insect) habitat, carbon sequestration holding or cooling air from the trees. I struggle with why we need another development. What we need more of is habitat, trees for carbon holding, cooling air, and top soil. but we live in a world where this doesn't seem to be valued or is it? I value it! I know how much effort it takes to grow a tree or build top soil. I know I don't need a new development that brings more cars and less nature. How do I change this runaway rampant destructive cycle? I am just one person. We all feel this way, don't we? So right here right now this is what I propose: 1. Let's explore these feeling openly, honestly and loudly. 2. When you unleash your feelings and stop pushing them down, they come out and have a voice 3. When you have a voice you speakup when it is now needed! 4. When we all have a voice together the destruction gets interrupted 5. Let's talk to creation and ask what is needed, they want to help! (JOIN MY CLASS or here) 6. Love is the answer and the way 7. Greed is lack of Love, greediness is neediness or feeling a lack that you want to fill up 8. when you are filled with what you need you don't destroy 9. Really it's not outside of us that we need to change, it's inside! we need to love the destructive part of ourselves, the greedy part in everyone. 10. So let's practice. "I love you needy part of me that is never satisfied. Let me fill you up with everything you need today." 11. How can we practice this everyday in every way?
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